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CODOMOs: COrrosion Degradation of cOld spray coating by electrocheMical analysis at the lOcal ScaleAxes: Energy, Surfaces & InterfacesLeaders: Nicolas MARY (ELyTMaX, TU) & Kazuhiro OGAWA (ELyTMaX / FRI, TU)Participants: Bernard NORMAND (MATEIS, INSA-Lyon), Sabrina MARCELIN (MATEIS, INSA-Lyon), Sheng YUAN (MATEIS, INSA-Lyon)Double degree PhD student: Elizaveta LAPUSHKINAThe aim of CODOMOs is to provide new criterion for the cold spray layer behaviors taking corrosion processes as the driving force for their degradation. In order to fully understand the corrosion initiation and propagation at the microstructure scale, local electrochemical measurements will be performed to characterize the modifications of the particles reactivity before and after their impacts to the substrates. Based on these mechanical, microstructural and electrochemical characterizations, the corrosion scheme will update. These knowledges will be used to evaluate new surface or additional treatments, such as UV Laser, to promote coating resistances.In 2016-2017, at INSA Lyon, E. Lapushkina performed High pressure cold spray experiments on Zinc base powder (with Pr Normand and Dr Yuan). After a process optimization, several coatings were studied firstly by corrosion tests, in order to correlate the metallurgical defects to the dissolution kinetic of the anodic coating.During her stay in TU in 2017-2018, E. Lapushkina performed Low pressure cold spray experiments on Al base powder (with Pr Ogawa and Dr Mary). This material as the one studied in Lyon (e.g., Zinc) is a sacrificial coating for corrosion protection. She completed coating with particles reinforcements in order to improve hardness and compactness of structure. First surface laser treatment was done and evaluated in terms of corrosion sensitivity.E. Lapushkina is now completing at MATEIS the Zinc coating (with Pr Normand and Dr Yuan). Materials are studied in terms on electrochemical reactivity regarding the plastic deformation of the particles.