ELiceTrib: Tribology of elastomer/ice contact from nm to mm scaleAxes: Surfaces & Interfaces, Materials & Structure DesignLeaders: Denis MAZUYER (LTDS, ECL) & Kazue KURIHARA (NICHe, TU)Participants: Juliette CAYER-BARRIOZ (LTDS)Double degree PhD student: Sylvain HEMETTEThis work aims to understand the fundamentals of the tribological behaviour of the ice/rubber contact, at the scale of a statistical set of contact spots (this means that the friction involves a high enough amount of contacting asperities to consider that average quantities are relevant). It will be based on an experimental investigation that combine Surface Force Appartus to analyse this contact at the nano-scale (Tohoku University) and tribometer LUG, to characterize the water film formation according to the tribological conditions (load, velocity, contact kinematics and ice temperature), the composition and the surface properties of the rubber (roughness, wetting, mechanical behaviour) at the scale of the contact spots. The project, which is funded by CNRS (employee of the PhD student, Sylvain Hemette) and MICHELIN.Articles in peer-reviewed international journals
- S. Hemette, J. Cayer-Barrioz, D. Mazuyer, Friction set-up and real-time insights of the contact under controlled cold environment: The KO ̄RI tribometer for rubber-ice contact application, Rev. Sci. Instrum., Accepted (2018)